Content drop for week ending 1/29/2021

TIL that SquareSpace’s blog editor doesn’t work particularly well with Safari on a Mac (which I’m only using as it’s super fast on my M1 Macbook Air). Anyway, here’s some stuff I found interesting and think you might as well:

  • “Passwords, like fax machine machines, will probably hang around for a while” - good article on how the pandemic has impacted the use of passwords in corporate life.

  • Some good perspective on the role of self-leadership and Scrum

  • If you’re using story points on your user stories here’s something important to keep in mind

Keeping it short this week but if you need more stuff to read be sure to check out Bill Sempf’s excellent InfoSec blog


Content drop for week ending 2/26


Content Drop for week ending 1/22/2021